lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

The Time Machine

I went to the theatre with my class to saw a nice play named: "The time Machine"

The Lights were very good idea.The part when the actors entered the time machine was great because the lights were like in a party and some students stand up off their chairs and started to dance.l And at the end of the play the actors were played with "flash lights" and that was fantastic.
The characters  were the professor scientist, Berta who was his assistant, Nick and Lourie that were the3 assistants too, and Litao Ming that was the Chinese guardian of the plant. Lourie and Nick acted very well but they acted for kis. The professor and berta were great actors, my favorite was Berta, i loved her character.
The music was entreteinig and beautifull. The actors sanf very well, especially lourie, she had a beautifull voice. I wanted dance when they sang. The songs in general were funny too.
I loved this play, i loved all his special effects, his costumes, his characters, his music, his lights, the imagination. But i think that it was for kids, but in genereal i like it very much.

My play with: Felipe Castellanos, Sofia Abdala and Rocio Facal.

Ro:  Let's go to the zoo!
Sofi:  Yes, good idea
Rafa:  Oh! Look at the animals!
Sofi:  They're ill... and dirty
Ro:  We need to do something...
Rafa:  If we could travel to the past and make reserves for the animals...
Felipe:  You are in the right place!
Felipe:  I'm professor Magnus, I heard you wanted to travel to the past! I've got a Time Machine!
Rafa, Ro and Sofi: GREAT!
Felipe:  Here is the time machine!
Felipe:  And... why do you want to go to the past?
Ro:  Weeeeell.... we went to the zoo and the animals were ill, so we think it wolud be cool to travel to the past and make reserves for them, so in the present they will be great.
Felipe:  That's a good idea, but I need to go with you...
Rafa:  Ok, no problem! ;)
TRAVEL to the past
Sofi:  OOOH! WOW! We are in THE PAAST!!!!
We create the reserve
One week later.......
Felipe:  It's awesome!
Sofi:  Yes, so let's go to the present now
TRAVEL to the present
Rafa:  Look at the animals! They are not sick!
Felipe:  Yeah, we did a great job !
All:  Great!!